Much longer...

If we travel back in time to the glory days of Moses, Noah, and Methuselah… it’s biblically proven that these men all lived for several hundred years a piece.

Moses Parting The Red Sea

Not only that, but the bible suggests that they lived well... maintaining their health, their strength, and mental faculties throughout their lives.

And based on scripture, it also seems that they lived without many of the modern ailments that we suffer from today… like arthritis, high blood pressure, prostate issues, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia and autoimmune conditions like diabetes.

And it wasn’t just biblical icons like Moses who experienced these blessings in ancient times… Common folk who observed the bible did too... many of them living two or three times longer than we do today.

Even more baffling, they did all of that without modern science, without antibiotics, without X-rays, without prescriptions and without carbon dioxide laser surgeries.

But here’s where things get downright strange...

Look at this chart.

On the left, you can see the average lifespan of people in Moses’ day, Noah’s day, all the way up through the life of Jesus… It’s pretty incredible.

Life expectancy chart

But now if you look here, right around 300 AD – there’s a tremendous drop in life expectancy… plummeting all the way down to just 35 years.

Now if we look further to the right, and bring us up towards modern times, we can see that the average life expectancy begins to climb gradually, eventually doubling as we get back to present day.

Highlight of chart showing drop

I don't know for sure, but perhaps the gradual increase in life-spans over time correlates to improvements in science?

And yet, with all our modern miracles of medicine, we still haven't even come close to the healthy, vigorous longevity of our ancient biblical ancestors.


And perhaps more importantly...

What was responsible for the almost instantaneous, dramatic drop in life span that occurred sometime just after 300 AD?


I'm Pastor Andrew, I'm a lifelong student of theology, and I've devoted much of the last 30 years to answering that question.

I now believe I have found THE answer, and when I did, it shook me to the core.

Because if I was right, it would transform an age-old Christian belief, and for many, even change what it means to be a Christian.

What did I discover?

Well, I’m just going to flat out tell you...

At nearly the exact same moment that life expectancies plunged, around 333 A.D…

Something else happened too…

The original bible, written in ancient Hebrew, was translated into Greek by Symmachus… for the very first time.

Symmachus translating the bible - woodcut image

At first I thought, well this must be a coincidence.

Yet as I searched for any other historical evidence that could account for such a sharp decline, I found nothing.

In my heart, I knew that I was onto something.

But if my theory was correct, and the almost universal drop in lifespans corresponded to the bible being translated by Symmachus… it created an even bigger mystery…

Did the original bible tell us to do something that later versions didn’t? In other words, had something crucial and God given been lost in translation?

For a long time I tried to answer that very question.

Failing time and time again, until eventually I gave up.

Then one day, something unfortunate happened to my wife that created an extraordinary chain of events…

A chain of events that led me – to what I believe – could be the biggest biblical breakthrough of the last 2,000 years.

A breakthrough that may not only extend your life… but can help you enjoy that life throughout your Golden years.

So you can live well, without pain or suffering… regardless of your age, your genetics, or what your Doctor has told you.

In fact, Dr. David Allen, a prominent cardiologist out of Sacramento California believes that this may be “the single most important medical scientific discovery ever...”

Dr David Allen

"the single most important medical scientific discovery ever..."

Dr. David Allen M.D.

And Dr. Phillip Denney, MD, called it “a safe, effective and non-toxic alternative to many standard medications.”

Dr Philip Denney

“a safe, effective and non-toxic alternative to many standard medications.”

Dr. Phillip Denney, M.D.

An all natural alternative that you can start using from the comfort of your own home today… to experience immediate relief.

I believe the hidden secret behind this discovery is nothing short of a miracle…

Because not only does it have the power to banish physical pain, but it can restore your memory, help you sleep deeply again, make you feel at home in your own body, wipe out anxiety or emotional trauma… all while it brings you closer to God.

Many swear that this long lost biblical secret even stops epilepsy and other rare diseases dead in their tracks… and the National Cancer Institute says it may even “reduce the spread of some cancer cells.”

National Cancer Institute Logo

What I’m telling you is that the strange, healing power behind this breakthrough – a breakthrough that I can promise you've never tried, let alone heard of – is powerful…

SO powerful, in fact, that in 2003, the US government quietly took out a patent on it… and now controls the fate of this miraculous discovery.

So please, keep reading... it may be your only chance to hear this prophetic message before it gets banned.

And in a few short minutes from now, I will reveal this long lost secret… a secret that’s only just come to light because of a 2,000 year old mistranslation in the bible… a mistranslation that could help reverse the aging process, restore your vitality, and heal you from the inside out.

Finally, I will show you undeniable proof of the secret’s holy healing power… and why it took 3, strange, and very public miracles to help me see what’s been hidden in the bible - for nearly 2 thousand years.

Plus I’ll also reveal all the details on how to use this breakthrough for yourself right now…

To help you manage side effects from major health concerns like arthritis, autoimmune disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, prostate issues, heart disease… and more...

So that you can turn your body into a mighty fortress against pain, suffering and disease. -- Just like Moses and Methuseleh did.

But what gives me the right to share this breakthrough with you?

Well, I’m not a scientist or a doctor.

I’m a pastor of a fast growing congregation in the lovely state of Colorado.

I could tell you my whole story, how I’ve devoted my life to God and community, how I studied Hebrew in Jerusalem to better understand the ancient texts…

But the truth is, my own story isn’t that important… What IS important is how...

My wonderful wife Lisa developed searing chronic pain over the years… pain that eventually stopped her from doing the activities she loved most – like gardening, or playing with the kids in Sunday school, even opening up a jar of peanut butter.

man carrying bible Naturally, we tried all sorts of solutions... From aspirin to medicinal herbs to prescription medication and of course - lots of prayer.

But nothing seemed to work.

The truth is, I felt like a helpless child… watching my wife decline, and knowing there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

Then one morning, as I walked home from Church, I spotted the old town library.

As a biblical scholar, I had spent half my life in libraries, and there was something about them that always brought me a sense of peace…

So I stepped into the old building, and began to poke around their medical section… hoping to find some sort of alternative solution to my wife’s ever worsening pain.

I leafed through books on unconventional pain relief remedies, and allowed my mind to wander.

An hour turned into two, then three, and as usual, I found nothing particularly useful.

As I began to leave, I noticed a small sign that said “Biblical Mysteries” and next to it was a spiral staircase…

I was curious… was this a new library section that I hadn’t seen before?

I climbed the winding steps, somewhat bewildered...

When I got to the top, there were several bookcases filled with dusty old books.

Worn green book cover And one in particular caught my eye.

It was faded green, and worn looking… even the title was hard to read.

I opened it up, and began to peruse it.

There were pictures of archeological sites, images of ancient artifacts, egyptian hieroglyphics…

And verses from the oldest versions of the Bible, written in both Greek… and Hebrew.

Dr Sula Benet According to the author’s bio, Dr. Sula Benet was a world class researcher of both ancient cultures and languages …

I continued to skim through the book, and landed on a half torn page that had been marked several times.

As I scanned it, I realized it was about a controversial discovery that Benet made over half a century ago...

She claimed that the scholars who translated the first versions of the Bible… From Hebrew to Greek… had made an error.

And as she put it… it was “an error that could change the entire meaning of the Bible.”

After extensive research, Dr. Benet concluded that this error boiled down to one... single mistranslated word…

And for the last two thousand years, scholars had continued to mistranslate it: “Kaneh Bosm.”

Kaneh Bosm

When Dr. Benet went back to the original Hebrew text…

She discovered that the words “Kaneh Bosm” had morphed over the last 2,000 years as well…

The two words “Kaneh” and “Bosm”...

Eventually fused into one word - “Kanabos”...

Until finally, Kanabos evolved into... Cannabis.

Kaneh Bosm





Dr. Benet went even further… and explained that the story of Cannabis is a lot like the story of Adam and Eve…

You see, Adam and Eve had two sons: Cain and Abel. And Cannabis has two sons as well: Marijuana and Hemp.

Well, if Marijuana is the bad son… (like Cain)

Then Hemp is the good son (like Abel).

And science shows why Hemp really is the good son…

Hemp itself does not get you high. Because unlike it’s bad brother, Marijuana…

Hemp contains virtually ZERO THC (the psychoactive molecule that gives marijuana its euphoric effect).

And Dr. Benet claimed that Hemp wasn’t just good (like Abel) hemp was a “God given herb”…

used throughout the entire Bible… in Holy ceremonies like the Feast of Tabernacles.

But when the Bible was translated from Hebrew to Greek (not long after the death of Christ), Kaneh Bosm was mistranslated as 'Sweet Calamus' - a yellow desert flower with no medicinal properties.

So if Dr. Benet was right...

It meant that for thousands of years people had believed Kaneh Bosem was sweet calamus…

When in reality it was the good son of Cannabis - Hemp

At this point, my head was spinning...

How could Cannabis… or Hemp... be used in the Bible?


Why did the mistranslation occur in the first place?

I needed answers… so I rushed home and headed straight to my study…

Where I pulled out the gift a Rabbi friend had given me during my time in Israel.

An old Hebrew Bible that, according to the rabbi, contained the most accurate translation of God’s Word.

With the help of my Hebrew dictionary, I began to read the withered Bible… looking for references of “Kanabos”... or Cannabis.

And I was shocked to find multiple mentions of it throughout the ancient Hebrew text…

For example, when God spoke to the Israelites through the prophet Isaiah…

God said “You have not brought any [Kanabos] for me, or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices. But you have burdened me with your sins and wearied me with your offences” - Isaiah 43:23-24…

I also saw references to Kanabos... or Cannabis… in Jeremiah 6:20, Ezekiel 27:19, and it was even mentioned in the Song of Solomon.

Jeremiah 17:8 mentions a

"tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green, and shall not be disquieted in the year of drought…"

Jeremiah 17:8

And when I looked up the characteristics of Cannabis, it strikingly resembled that of the “green leafed” plant mentioned in Jeremiah…

For example, Cannabis is one of the only plants in the world that can grow both in hot climates and near rivers… AND be harvested during the most severe droughts...

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing… BUT despite Dr. Benet’s compelling evidence - evidence that she’d pulled directly from the oldest versions of the bible - I was still skeptical.

Why hadn’t I heard of this before?

Desperate for answers…

I decided to see if science could shed some light on what I wasn’t seeing...

And what came next sent chills up my spine…

I found hundreds of medical studies that showed Cannabis had legitimate healing powers.

For example, in a 2016 study published in the European Journal of Pain…

Researchers discovered that compounds found inside Cannabis were able to “significantly reduce joint swelling” as well as “inflammation and pain”... in only 4 days!

Plus, in a major study published in the Journal of Fibromyalgia Today…

Medical researchers took 2,495 fibromyalgia patients (who had severe muscle pain)…

And gave them cannabis.

They were blown away when they found that 100% of the patients treated reported having significantly less pain and discomfort…

Including relief from chronic pain, neuropathic pain, headaches, migraines, joint pain, arthritic pain, inflammation, and even symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Then I saw a report about a 79 year old woman named Hope Bobowski… which really resonated with me.

Hope was so beaten down by her Osteoarthritis… that her husband had to dress her each day.

However, according to Bobowski “Cannabis saved her life”...

Because now she was able to enjoy the activities she used to love doing… like spending hours on her knees working in the garden.

Just like my wife used to do.

I kept digging, ripping through study after study, finding more and more examples of Cannabis’ healing powers…

And began to wonder…

Could Cannabis actually be the miracle my wife and I had been praying for?

Then I stumbled onto something that absolutely baffled me…

Even though Cannabis has been shown to be safe and effective for virtually every single type of pain ailment…

Until very recently it’s been illegal in the U.S.

In fact, for over 70 years the U.S. Government banned ANY form of cannabis across the board.

So I started to wonder...

If Cannabis itself is such a powerful and proven pain fighting ingredient…

And doesn’t actually get you high…

Then why did the government ban it for nearly a century?

Hunting for the truth, I dug deep into its history…

Not only did I discover that it’s been used for thousands of years…

But according to historical texts, including the Bible…

Countless cultures have used it for a variety of beneficial uses.

From clothing, to shoes, to food, to rope…

From medicinal oils that were reported to treat migraines, sore muscles and achy bones

To paper used for books and record keeping.

In fact, the oldest Cannabis paper dates back to 4,000 B.C during the ancient Chinese Empire.

And in 12th Century Europe, monks used Cannabis paper to copy the Holy Scriptures...

Then in the year 1455 A.D, Johan Gutenberg famously used his Gutenberg Press (along with Cannabis paper) to print the very first Bible.

And as society entered the 20th century…

Cannabis quickly gained momentum as the preferred crop for the industrial revolution…

In fact, in 1938, Popular Mechanics magazine published a full spread about the cannabis plant…

Calling it the “New Billion Dollar Crop.”

But not everyone was happy about cannabis’ rise…

The newspaper magnate, William Randolph Hearst, had just invested in millions of acres of timber forest…

William Randolph Hearst

Which he intended to use to make paper for his expanding tabloid publications.

But with the growing demand for cannabis paper, which was far less expensive than regular paper…

His empire was doomed to collapse almost overnight.

On top of that…

The pharmaceutical industry stood to take a major blow as well…

Because, as you’ve seen in study after study…

Cannabis’ medicinal properties could be MORE effective than prescription drugs… but without any of the nasty (and often life threatening) side effects.

Then John D Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, the billionaire tycoons controlling the two biggest pharmaceutical companies of the era (one of which is still in power today… )

Realized this impending threat to their monopolies.

Now apart from the risk of losing billions...

Rockefeller and Carnegie had something else in common…

Rockefellar and Carnegie

They were funded by one of the most powerful Wall Street bankers of their time, who just happened to be the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury: Andrew Mellon.

Mellon then used his power to place his own son in law, Harry Anslinger, as the head of the newly formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics.

Coincidentally, that’s when both Anslinger and Hearst made moves to destroy Hemp’s reputation...

First, Hearst used his publication empire to spread misinformation about hemp…

And made it seem like cannabis, hemp, and marijuana were all the same thing. It’s like they wanted you to believe that Cain was Abel, Adam and Eve!

This caused a lot of confusion, and people began to relate Hemp, Cannabis and Marijuana to sin, moral depravity, violence, and recklessness.

From the most popular tabloids, to adventure books…

Comic strips to sophisticated magazines such as Cosmopolitan…

There wasn’t a single publication that didn’t jump on the bandwagon of demonizing cannabis.

Which, by the way, was easy to do…

Because the two plants look very alike.

Anslinger’s fabrications were enough to convince Congress that cannabis was “dangerous” for the public…

And so they passed a bill that made it illegal to produce any form of Cannabis… Marking the beginning of a 70 year smear campaign against what Dr. Benet believed to be a God given herb.

And so for nearly a century, access to Cannabis was cut off from everyday folks like you and me…

Is it a coincidence that the prevalence of so many serious health concerns have skyrocketed during that time frame?

And Is it a coincidence that big pharma profits have also skyrocketed during that time frame?

Chart showing pharma profits increase

Not to mention that addiction to opiate drugs is the highest it’s ever been… and just recently surpassed car accidents as the #1 killer of young people.

Now here’s the craziest part…

During the same time period that the Government banned Cannabis… They also filed for a patent to use it… specifically for medicinal purposes…

US Patent #6,630,507

In fact, Patent #6,630,507 is the ONLY patent the U.S. Government has EVER secured on a natural substance.

Why would the government get a patent on the same ingredient they had suppressed?

So I began to ask a series of questions that I admit, felt just a little bit dangerous…

Did the Government have plans of its own for Cannabis?

And if so, what were they?

Then I discovered that on December 20th, 2018…

President Trump did something that infuriated Congress.

He signed the Farm Bill, making Cannabis legal to grow and consume right here on American Soil.

By this point, my head was spinning, but there’s one thing I knew for sure: I needed to get my hands on Cannabis right away.

And of course, share everything I’d discovered with my wife:

Dr. Benet’s research…

How cannabis was used as a medicinal treatment throughout the Bible…

And how new scientific studies proved it could reduce pain, lower inflammation, and help even the worst of ailments...

But my wife was hesitant…

“Isn’t that a drug?” she asked… and of course, I understood why.

She, like so many Americans, had grown up being told cannabis hemp and marijuana were all the same thing.

But when I showed her all of the undeniable evidence, she was dumbfounded, and agreed to try it. So after many hours of researching the best quality Cannabis oils, I found one that came highly recommended.

And Lisa began taking it every day…

Within a week or so, I saw her mood lift…

She seemed to have more energy. Her skin had more of a natural glow.

And I noticed she wasn’t tossing and turning as much in her sleep.

All very promising signs that the Cannabis was helping.

But what started off as encouraging results began to taper off... and in the end, although the cannabis did help slightly, it didn't reverse the serious chronic pain my wife was in... and I can't tell you how disappointed I was.

The next day was a Sunday…

It was dark and cloudy…

And as I arrived at Church to give my morning sermon…

It began to rain like cats and dogs…

The rain was quite a shock actually…

We had been going through a drought for nearly a year… so this torrential downpour was a blessing… although it drenched me to the bone as I made my way into the building.

That’s when the panic set in.

I had been so consumed by my research on Cannabis, I had forgotten to prepare today’s sermon.

So for the first time in my life… I would wing it…

And preach about whatever verse I saw first.

Dripping wet, I looked over the congregation… and noticed amusement in their eyes. They’d never seen me this unprepared (or disheveled) before.

I opened my Bible…

And glanced down as a drop of water fell from my hair and tapped the page.

Landing on Exodus 30:22.

Well, seemed like as good a place to start as any… so I began to read out loud...

“Then the Lord said to Moses…

‘Take the following spices…

Liquid myrrh… fragrant cinnamon…


And sweet calamus…

And make these into a sacred anointing oil. These will be used to anoint --”

Exodus 30:22

I froze. And silently began to retrace the words I had just read…

Someone coughed.

“Everything alright Pastor?

Then it hit me like a hammer…

In this very passage, God was giving Moses the recipe for holy anointed oil…

“And it called for Sweet Calamus…” Sweet Calamus: The mistranslated word that Dr. Benet had uncovered in her book over half a century ago...

"Kanabos"... “Cannabis!” I shouted out loud.

Noticing the awkward reaction in the room, I ended the service as quickly as I could and rushed to my car.

The whole ride home, I couldn’t stop wondering…

Had I just discovered the lost recipe for holy anointed oil?

Was Cannabis an essential ingredient?

And if so, did I need to mix it with the other ingredients to make it effective?

I burst into my front door, and locked myself in my study…

And started researching the ingredients God described in Exodus.

I began with Myrrh

Now I knew Myrrh was one of the 3 gifts of the Magi…

Raw Myrrh That the 3 wise men brought to Jesus when he was an infant.

However, as I investigated Myrrh even more…

I discovered that it’s made from a “resin.”

Resin is the thick substance that bleeds out of a plant when it’s punctured or cut open…

You might know it as “sap” or the “blood” of a plant.

And I couldn’t help but find it fascinating that this resin…

Is created from inflicting a puncture wound… just like the puncture wounds inflicted on Jesus when he died on the cross for our sins.

I was struck by this incredible similarity…

But I was even more shocked when I discovered that Myrrh contains a special molecule called AKBA...

In a major study published in the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Researchers found AKBA to “exhibit powerful anti-inflammatory efficacy” and even went as far as calling it “anti-arthritic.”

And in another major study, published in the Journal of Phytomedicine, patients with osteoarthritis were given AKBA...

... within 8 weeks they experienced a “decrease in knee pain”, “increase in knee flexion”, and “increased walking distance.”

By this point, my excitement was growing by the second...

So next, I researched cinnamon...

Raw Cinnamon

And was astonished to see that it’s also been shown to help with inflammation and pain.

In fact, I found several studies that showed Cinnamon to demonstrate “excellent anti-inflammatory activities.”

Then I jumped to Cassia, a rare flower that grows almost exclusively in the Holy Land of Israel.

Cassia Flower

No surprise, I found a study published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research that showed active compounds inside Cassia to be highly anti-inflammatory…

And Dr. Josh Axe, a leading natural health doctor says Cassia’s “anti-inflammatory properties reduce arthritis symptoms naturally.”

Last but not least…

I looked into the healing properties of Olive Oil…

Olive Oil in a jar

And was blown away to see the mountains of research showcasing its little known ability to relieve pain…

For example, in a major 2018 study scientists discovered that special compounds in olive oil called polyphenols…

Could improve symptoms in a variety of inflammatory conditions like “rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and psoriasis.”

I was astounded...

Each of the individual ingredients that God himself describes in anointed oil had deep healing properties of their own.

So I began to wonder…

Had anyone else figured out that Kanabos, was actually Cannabis?

And if so, had they gone ahead and mixed Cannabis with the other ingredients that God reveals in the bible?

In other words, had anyone in the last 1,700 years mixed TRUE anointed oil?

The oil Jesus used to heal the sick, anoint his apostles, and bless His followers.

The oil that had been lost in translation for so long?

Surely someone’s made the connection since Dr. Benet’s discovery...

So I continued to research, scouring the internet for any indication of real anointed oil.

But I found absolutely NOTHING.

Was it really possible that I was the first person in nearly two millennia to consider mixing these ingredients together?

But of course, before I could mix the true ingredients…

I had to actually get my hands on them.

So I pushed onward… Searching for someone who could help me…

Until by, what seemed like a sheer coincidence, a member of my congregation…

Introduced me to Paul: a local herbalist with a strong background in organic chemistry, and experience extracting oils from plants.

Laboratory with plants in jars

More importantly, Paul was a fellow believer, and incredibly excited when I showed him all of the studies and scriptures I’d found…

So we got to work…

But Paul and I were in for a rude awakening…

Because it’s one thing to get all of the ingredients together…

It’s an entirely different thing to extract the optimal amount of each ingredient…

And then blend them all into a perfectly balanced oil.

Before long, it seemed like Paul and I were spending every waking moment in the lab.

Finally, after nearly 3 weeks of constant work… We had our very first batch of Holy Anointed Oil ready to be put to the test.

Cannabis oil in vials And I wasted no time in getting it over to my wife…

First we prayed. Then she drank some of the oil and smeared it on her knees and lower back.

But after several days of this…

She didn’t feel any different.

Disappointed but not defeated, I asked for God’s divine intervention once again…

“Lord show me what I’m missing.” I prayed.

Even though she hadn’t gotten the relief I was hoping for… I felt I was on the right track…

And it was only a matter of time until Paul and I cracked the code.

So we went back to the lab, and kept pushing…working day and night…

Trying out different amounts of each ingredient

Then sharing each new batch with my wife.

But I could tell that Paul was beginning to lose steam… until one day he finally broke down…

"32 times Andrew… we’ve tried 32 different formulas of this oil and it hasn’t worked…I love you, man… and I know this is for a good cause… But I can’t keep working for free… my mom’s medical bills are piling up."

Paul was losing hope, but something in my heart told me to have faith in the Oil.

So I pleaded with him…

“Paul let’s try it one last time…

If this works, it could actually help your mom.”

I could see my words had had an impact…

“Ok. One last time. But that’s it alright?”

Finally… after 33 attempts… we had our last batch of the oil…

Dropper of holy oil Which, by the way, appeared to be different from previous batches… it had an almost subtle glow to it.

And this was the moment of truth...

Lisa and I sat together in the garden and prayed.

“Father, let your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”

She lifted her hand to take the oil… applied a few drops.

And we waited.

After about an hour, Lisa stood up… slowly and deliberately.

“I feel different. Looser, somehow.”

Over the next hours and days, Lisa began a remarkable transformation.

At first, her mobility began to return. I watched her carefully, and began to notice her doing simple things - things which she hadn’t done in years…

Like putting the dishes back on the top shelf. Or cooking a delicious 3 course dinner for us. Or kneeling when she prayed before bed.

And as Lisa’s mobility improved further, and she was able to DO more and more on her own…

Her mood began to improve.

In truth, Lisa had stayed mentally and spiritually strong throughout her trials and tribulations…

But I can tell the difference between her putting on a brave face and being truly happy.

As each day passed, and she continued to take more of the anointed oil, I could see a genuine joy wash over her.

Like a giant weight had been lifted...not only from her body… but from her soul.

She was becoming the old Lisa… and by old Lisa, I mean a younger Lisa… right before my eyes. The vibrant, fresh faced woman who I first married.

Over the next week, my wife became virtually pain-free.

Like a new woman.

I was so inspired by her progress that I began to take the anointed oil.

The truth is, I had been having trouble sleeping for years, and this is a little hard to admit, but I did experience some level of daily anxiety.

However, within a few short days of taking the oil myself, my anxiety seemed to melt away.

And for the first time since I could remember, I slept through the night, and woke up deeply refreshed.

One day, after service, the kids began to play a game of friendly dodge ball in the backyard of the Church.

As Lisa and I watched the game, some of the parents joined in.

Then Lisa gave me a wink, and said, “Let’s put the oil to the test shall we?”

“Honey I do not think that’s a good idea. Baby steps ok?”

But Lisa, ever the rebel, smiled at me as she strolled into the middle of the carnage.

A hush swept over the crowd... you see, Lisa’s chronic pain and physical limitations were no secret within our tight knit community.

So at first, the parents reacted with some shock… and no one had the courage to throw the ball at Lisa.

Except for little Jimmy Taylor.

Jimmy, being about 10 years old had no conception of my wife’s pain. And when he whipped that rubber ball at her full force, I heard gasps from the parents.

But as Lisa caught that ball in her hands, knocking little Jimmy out of the game, several people cheered!

Except little Jimmy of course.

But what an incredible thing to witness. I know it sounds a bit silly, after all, we’re talking about a game of dodgeball…

But I tell you, for my wife it was a miracle…

And everyone knew it.

In fact, after the game was over, a small crowd gathered around her..

“I’ve never seen you move like that before Lisa.”

“You jumped like one of the kids…”

“How did you do that?”

As the buzz continued to build, Lisa gave me a smile, and responded to the group…

“You’ll have to ask my husband..”

As the congregation gathered around me, I hesitated.

Half of me was incredibly excited to reveal this discovery…

And share all the details that led me to it…

But the other half…was scared of what might happen…

What if they think we’re smoking marijuana? How would that look?

But then I remembered what Jesus told His disciples in John 8:32:

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

So I told them the truth...

And shared how Dr. Benet’s work revealed the mistranslated word in the Bible - Cannabis…

And the miracle that led me to discovering its vital role in making REAL Anointed Oil… the way God intended it to be made thousands of years ago when he first gave Moses the recipe in Exodus.

And how the oil had seemingly cured my wife of her

Then Mrs. Reynolds, a spunky, elderly woman in her 80’s, approached me… and asked…

“Do you have any of the oil left Pastor? I have 2 degenerated discs in my lower back and I can’t even sit down for more than a minute or two.”

Old Woman

How could I deny Mrs. Reynolds or anyone the chance to heal themselves of their pain and suffering?

So I caved...

And began giving out the oil to those who needed it most.

Folks who were suffering from lower back pain, herniated disks, swollen ankles… Diabetes, thyroid issues, high blood pressure, even Lyme disease!

And just about every ailment you could imagine.

But it was a bittersweet moment…

On one hand, I felt I was doing what God wanted me to do…

"Lay hands on the sick and they will recover." - Mark verse 16

Yet on the other hand…

I was rapidly running out of the oil… and my wife was still using it daily.

The following Sunday, I walked into our Church, ready to give my sermon, and was shocked by what I saw.

Typically, my services had anywhere from 15-25 people in attendance…

But THAT day…

There had to be close to 70 people…

Then something wonderful started to happen...

The congregation began singing and dancing…

Congregation in worship

In fact, Mrs. Reynolds, the 84 year old woman who used the anointed oil for her back pain was dancing with the children… like a woman half her age.

Many others were praying in tongues...

And laughing out loud for no reason at all, as some cried tears of joy.

I knew the Holy Ghost was among us.

Then, some of the folks I had given the oil to, gathered around me and my wife…

And began to share how what it had done for them…

One of my very first congregation members said...

Photo - Anonymous Customero

"I would like to be honest about this. I have a large cyst in my lower vertebrae, it doesn't press on my spinal cord, but does greatly effect my nerves. I have great pain or I should say "had" great pain until I started using the anointing oil. It has taken away so much of the pain."

And just like that, as word of the “healing oil” began to spread like wildfire - my congregation began to grow at an amazing pace…

Not only were my friends healing themselves with the oil…

But the oil itself was serving as a beacon of light… spreading God’s word…

And attracting non-believers who were seeking relief from their suffering…

And through their healing, many of them were coming to Christ.

It was an absolute miracle.

Within a month, my little hall was packed with over a hundred new faces.

And before long, people began approaching me outside of church - asking how they could get their hands on this “miracle oil.”

It was wonderful. And I felt like I was truly doing God’s will.

But I still had one giant problem…

Giving people the current recipe for the oil… wouldn’t help anyone…

Because mixing these ingredients together, in the right ratios… had been such a trial, even for an expert chemist.

So I began to wonder…

How could I make the recipe so simple… that even a child could do it?

So once again, I asked Paul for his help…

And this time, he happily agreed…

After all, he had witnessed first hand how it had helped his mother’s ability to remember things!

So we went back to work.

We started wide and through 2 months of researching, testing and refining… managed to make the process so easy that anyone could do it… in a matter of minutes!

Plus, we were able to identify a select few ingredients you could find in your local grocery store to make the Holy oil…

And to our complete shock... they were NOT as effective… they were MORE effective than the ones we had used originally.

As I began giving the new anointed oil recipe out to folks…

Something unexpected happened…

People started using the oil they were making in ways I could never have imagined…

Some were healing their pet’s infections… in a matter of days!

Some were making their arthritis seemingly “disappear” by combining the oil with natural ingredient found in most kitchen cupboards…

Others were baffling their doctors by reducing their cholesterol within weeks…

While many were using it to make inexpensive, at home skincare treatments they claimed “worked better than botox”…

Worked better than botox

Plus, a chef from my congregation was using his anointed oil to make delicious, healing desserts and foods.

It suddenly became very clear to me…

The anointed oil recipe had sparked a healing revolution in my local community…

And it was my responsibility to document everything they were doing…

So millions of other Americans could harness this lost knowledge to transform their own lives.

So with the help of Paul, and the wonderful men and women of my congregation…

I took all of the research I had done…

Dr. Sula Benet’s incredible findings…

Biblical scriptures…

The surprisingly wonderful ways folks were using the oil… including how to customize the oil to help with their specific needs and achieve even deeper healing

And created a simple, easy to use, system that not only shows you how to rapidly make the oil yourself

But how to use it to transform virtually every aspect of your life… physically, emotionally and spiritually… for complete and permanent healing.

And that’s how The Exodus Effect was born…

Exodus Effect Book Cover

The only system in the world that Takes you by the hand and shows you step by step how to make REAL anointed oil... quickly and easily. The oil that God intended you and your family to have all along. The oil that has helped heal so many souls right before my very eyes.

Virtually wiping out pain of all kinds, while it restores vigor and youth.

With that said, The Exodus Effect is so much more than just a recipe book…

It’s a complete system of healing and healthy living that’s easy to use… and written in clear, easy to understand language...

So you can reduce, or altogether eliminate pain, suffering and protect your body… your temple… from disease… so you can feel healthy, youthful, and closer to God…

Whatever your health worry is today or tomorrow, The Exodus Effect will be second only to your Bible when it comes to erasing fear, filling your heart with hope and peace, and fortifying your body at a cellular level.

And The Exodus Effect isn’t just proven in biblical scripture…it literally came from biblical scripture… scripture that’s been lost in translation for nearly 2 thousand years.

Not only that, but the ingredients you’ll discover inside Exodus Effect are proven by the latest scientific research as well…

And when it comes to managing the symptoms of many devastating diseases, Dr. Jay Cavanaugh says “the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. Folks with spinal injuries able to give up their walkers, AIDS patients able to gain weight and keep their medications down, cancer patients finding relief from the terrible nausea of chemotherapy, chronic pain patients once again functional with their consciousness restored from narcotic lethargy, and folks once disabled from crippling psychiatric disorders and addictions, returned to sanity…”

Plus, study after study reveals that the ingredients found inside Exodus Effect can help with dozens of different ailments.


  • Neuropathy
  • Low Thyroid
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart Disease
  • Obesity
  • Liver Disease
  • Lyme Disease
  • Autoimmune Diseases like Lupus

And even embarrassing skin conditions like psoriasis…

In fact, Medical News Today reports that the ingredients inside of Exodus Effect “may be an effective treatment for this itchy and painful condition”.

Just imagine it now… you get your hands on The Exodus Effect, and it shows you how to easily obtain the finest ingredients for the oil. Then it shows you how to mix them at the perfect ratio, a ratio that amplifies the effectiveness of the Holy blend.

Then you begin to take it.

Within a day or two, you start to feel different. The pain and discomfort that you’ve been experiencing begins to fade away… as your energy and vitality begins to soar… like “a phoenix rising from the ashes.”

Now, as a result of feeling pain-free, you wake up rested, and joyous. In fact, you’re so impressed with the results that you mix a larger batch, and share it with the people you care about most.

Because you’ve always believed in God’s word, and now you believe in the power of his Holy Oil.

Just like Adele S. - who says…

Photo: Adele S.

On Friday I started taking it and boy does it work. I have Arthritic pain in both thumbs; which cause me trouble lifting things and opening up jars. Yesterday June 14 that most of the pain was gone and was able to lift heavy boxes without a lot of pain, and could move my thumbs around in circles without much pain I am sold on this I do have other pain that I know will go away as God permits Thank you for your help for all of God's children.

Bob G. wrote in to say…

Photo: Bob G.

My wife has never tried this before. I ordered for her as she was in terrible pain with badly swollen legs and feet and also extremely week. She did call your group and asked her to take. They gave her instructions and also told her that it would take a few weeks before she noticed and change. She was concerned and was getting ready to ask for a refund, but she noticed changes and she has been getting better almost every hour. She has her sisters using the oil now. And my Boss's wife who is worse than Karin has ordered also. I want to thank you and your staff for your direction and help. Thank you and my God bless you and your family.

I have to say, hearing feedback like that has made this journey more rewarding than you could ever imagine.

And you’re right. The Exodus Effect is so much more than just the lost recipe for TRUE anointed oil… It’s a complete guide to living pain free, extending your life, looking younger, and feeling better than you ever have. (no matter what your doctor tells you and no matter how many different types of medications you’re taking… which, by the way, could all change within a few short weeks of using the knowledge you’ll discover inside The Exodus Effect)

Here are just a few examples of the biblical secrets you’ll discover inside Exodus Effect:

The Divine Ratio

On page 3, you’ll discover how to get all of the high quality ingredients you’ll need to make REAL Holy oil - delivered to your home in less than 48 hours. Better yet, you’ll get all of the ingredients shipped in bulk for less than the cost of dinner. PRO TIP: When you get the ingredients yourself, you have much more freedom to combine them at different ratios… and some ratios work better for specific ailments - in Exodus Effect, we’ll show you what blends work best for your particular issue.

Is your pain or discomfort severe?

No problem - just mix this common kitchen spice into the your REAL Holy Oil, and it will increase its effectiveness by 2000%, wiping out even the worst kind of chronic pain. Leading physician, Dr. Joseph Mercola says this secret works because it can “exhibit antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities.”

Have you lost mobility or flexibility?

Just increase the amount of myrrh you blend into the oil by this much…and you’ll feel loose, pliable, and ready for a Yoga class, a brisk run, or spending hours on your knees in the garden PRO TIP: The amount of extra myrrh to put in is a well known biblical number…

Want a more youthful, vibrant appearance?

Just mix a little bit of this tropical fatty fruit into your oil, and apply it liberally to your face and neck. Then watch as The Lord’s lost secret goes to work, helping erase fine lines, tighten skin, increase elasticity, and restore an irresistibly youthful glow...

FUN FACT: Nearly every member of my congregation has replaced their chemically engineered skin products with this God given recipe. Some have even called it an “all natural face lift”, including my wife!

Holy Bunion Blaster

If you’ve ever had bunions, you know just how excruciating the pain can be… not to mention the fact that you can’t show your feet at the beach, or wear shoes that make you feel good about yourself. Just mix your REAL Holy Oil with this “spicy” ingredient, smear it over your bunions, and then for even deeper absorption, wrap it with this common household item - as you feel the cool relief set in, and with some time, watch your bunions begin to recede.

PRO TIP: This secret also works wonderfully for plantar fasciitis, toenail fungus, hammer toe, and achilles tendinitis.

Best Shape of your Life

The latest clinical studies have shown that people who struggle with their weight have more CB1 receptors in their body… receptors that cause weight gain, and multiply as we get older. God’s anointed oil contains an ingredient that blocks communication with CB1 receptors… making it much easier to lose weight… and even helps suppress your appetite -- making it a piece of cake to resist… that piece of cake.

PRO TIP: You won’t have to stop eating cake at all - because inside Exodus Effect, there are 12 delicious recipes that show you how to mix the oil into your favorite sinful foods and desserts - in a way that actually helps you BURN fat.

Blood Sugar Balanced

If you’re worried about diabetes, then I’ve got good news for you… The ingredients found in this lost recipe are proven to help manage the side effects of erratic blood sugar levels. Just combine the REAL anointed oil with this tasty chocolate surprise and watch your glucose levels drop like a hot potato… and your insulin levels stay within healthy range.

Live Longer, Feel Stronger

It’s not an accident that the Lord gave us such a gift… a gift that his most devoted servants used liberally in the bible. Is it any wonder that Noah, Moses and Methuselah lived to be hundreds of years old? Now I’m not saying that taking this miracle oil will help you live to be 200… but I truly believe that you’ll live a lot longer than you would have without it -- and more importantly, you’ll live better. Pain-free, happier, and closer to Our Lord.


As we get older, our bones lose mass and become much more susceptible to fractures or breaks… and one out of two women over age 50 will break a bone because of Osteoporosis. Luckily, one of the ingredients you’ll mix into the REAL anointed oil is scientifically proven to significantly reduce your chances of breaks, and make your bones “steel-like” strong.

Divine Coffee

Want to give your morning coffee a Holy Boost and make it more delicious? Just mix in a little of the oil, and a dab of this secret ingredient to set your day up right AND help turn your body into a fat burning temple. BulletProof Coffee’s got nothing on this “healthy fat” infused holy beverage.

Now you should know that The Exodus Effect is only available on this website…

And only while I’m still able to provide it…

Because, as you’ve seen inside this presentation, the secrets inside Exodus Effect could threaten big corporations… especially corporations that profit from selling dangerous pain medication.

And despite President Trump’s efforts to uphold the 1st Amendment and protect our rights, it’s only a matter of time until they use their influence in Washington to censor The Exodus Effect.

If that happens…

These divine healing secrets will be lost again... forever.

And your only option for pain relief could be to use Big Pharma’s dangerous drugs...

Forcing you to pay as much as $5,980 per year… if not more...

For something that doesn’t even contain the powerful, God given ingredients revealed inside Exodus Effect…

Which makes me sick to my stomach to even think about…

Especially since this simple healing system has already helped thousands of Americans…

Ease their chronic pain, turn back the clock on their body, look and feel younger, enjoy more mobility and freedom…

Freedom to travel pain free…

To do the things that make life worth living… like running around and playing with their children and grandchildren without worry of injury…

Spending hours on their knees working in the garden…

Playing racquetball for hours on end… or 18 holes of golf with your friends…

And enjoying more physical comfort…

More emotional stability…

And more spiritual peace… to deepen your relationship with our Creator.

In fact, many folks have personally told me that The Exodus Effect has given them the confidence they need to stay active, healthy, pain free, and independent as they age.

So that they’re never a burden on their family… but instead a cherished elder – beloved and looked up to by younger generations… younger generations who are also mixing the oil to protect themselves from debilitating disease, stave off age related conditions, and boost their energy and vitality…

When you get The Exodus Effect today…

You won’t invest anywhere near $5,980.00, which again is the average cost many people pay for opiate drugs in a single year…

And you won’t have to spend the 700 hours it took me and a trained chemist…

To crack the code on the very best ingredients to use for the oil, and the perfect ratios to blend them for maximum relief.

This isn’t about the money for me… it’s about answering God’s calling on my life…

And impacting as many lives as possible by sharing this divine healing.

I truly want to make this decision as easy as possible for you…

So I’m going to take 50% off of the suggested offering of $247.00…

Which drops your investment down to just $123 bucks.

I think you’ll agree that having complete and permanent healing is well worth that amount…

But again, my goal is to make this an absolute no brainer for you…

Beyond that, I’d like to reward you for reading this far in the letter...

Which, by the way, tells me that you’re not only serious about your healing…

But you’re sick and tired of mainstream medicine’s FAILURE to provide you and your family with the long lasting relief you deserve.

So right now, when you say “yes” to The Exodus Effect…

And say “yes” to receiving God’s healing for you and your family…

I’m only going ask that you help cover my website maintenance and distribution costs…

By providing a small one time offering of just $67 bucks USD.

Spread out over a year, that’s about 12 cents a day…

Think about it… That’s just a few pennies a day to help eliminate your pain & suffering, quickly transform your health, and potentially add happy decades to your life.

And you should know that almost 100% of the money we receive from your investment…

Goes right back into spreading the word about this Biblical Breakthrough.

And by the way, you can make your investment today with complete confidence and peace of mind…

Because your order is protected by our Sacred Healing Oath, which allows you to experience The Exodus Effect for yourself for a full 12 months…

Before you decide to invest in it…

But more on that in just a moment…

First, I want to share something vital with you…

You see, because I know you want healing in every part of your life…

When you secure your personal of copy The Exodus Effect in the next 15 minutes…

And get instant access to the divine healing secrets that have already transformed the lives of thousands of Americans…

I’m also going to give you 3 powerful gifts:

Divine Pet

a $59.00 value, yours FREE…

Divine Pet Bonus Ebook Cover

I realize that your cat or dog are just as important as any other member of the family.

That’s why, inside Divine Pet, I show you exactly how to use the secrets you’ll discover in Exodus Effect with your beloved pets, so that they too could experience all of its healing properties.

Which is especially important if your dog or cat suffers from achy joints, arthritic pain, anxiety, nervousness, aggressive behavior, indigestion, bad breath, or even an unhealthy coat of fur…

Just flip to page 21 to see how to mix holy anointed oil with their favorite food (in a way that actually makes it tastier)…

And watch how your pet’s health dramatically improves practically overnight.

And if your dog or cat is very old… at the tail end of their life…

Divine Pet will show you how to use the principles inside The Exodus Effect so that they live out their last years calmly, comfortably, and pain free.

The Lazarus Effect

a $59.00 value, yours FREE…

Lazaraus Effect Bonus Ebook Cover

You already know that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead…

But do you know how long Lazarus lived after that?

Some Biblical Scholars believe he lived an additional 100 years…

And inside The Lazarus Effect I’ll share what they think was his longevity secret…

Which could help you live an extra 15, 20, or even 30 years.

I want to be clear - I’m not talking about drawing your life out another 20 years, while you suffer from age, sickness and limited mobility…

I’m talking about you living a healthy, vibrant and independent life well into your 90’s and beyond.

The longevity secrets you’ll discover inside Lazarus Effect are so effective…

Even atheist scientists are reluctantly siding with what the Bible has known for thousands of years.

In fact, Harvard Scientist, Dr. William Mair says this secret can “slow aging” and that “we are only beginning to understand the underlying biology.”

And Dr. Ming Hui-Zou, Founding Director of the Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine at Georgia State University…

Says it “can delay vascular aging.” And that “if the vascular system becomes younger, it is less likely to have cardiovascular disease.”

Now on top of all that…

Inside The Lazarus Effect you’ll also discover:

  • The one “Intimacy Scripture” that could resurrect your love life… almost overnight. Now for you ladies, this scripture will be especially important because if your husband doesn’t always listen... just say these 5 holy words (directly quoted from the Bible) and watch how he stops what he’s doing, gives you his full attention, listens to your every word, and sees things from your perspective. PRO TIP: combine the holy passage with THIS compassionate gesture… and might even get on his knees and apologize.
  • How to use what I call the “Genesis Protocol” to feel like you’re aging backwards… making you appear 10 to 15 years younger than your actual age.
  • The Essential Oil MYTH… and why you must immediately STOP using these 3 popular essential oils, and replace them with Holy Anointed Oil…

If you want to reduce your arthritic pain, improve your memory…

Or you’re worried about the risk of cancer...

Then you’ll absolutely love everything you discover inside The Lazarus Effect.

Hidden Prayers

$59.00 value, yours FREE…

Hidden Prayers Bonus Ebook Cover

While I was researching Dr. Sula Benet’s work…

I stumbled upon 33 scriptures in the Bible that I call “Hidden Prayers”… because I have never heard other pastors or church leaders talk about them…

And when folks in my congregation began using these prayers, along with the holy anointed oil, they experienced truly divine miracles in their lives.

I mean, things that can’t be explained by science or man…

For example, Billy, an out of a job factory worker, said that not only was his “injured shoulder healed…”

But he got a job offer… that paid nearly twice as much as his old work, and more importantly, he loves his new job and looks forward to it every day!

And Christina S. says “I feel like God is hearing my prayers more than ever… And I feel like I’m hearing Him more than ever… At first, I couldn’t understand why. Then I read James 5:14 which says… ‘Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” Now, I don’t EVER pray without anointed oil...Whereas before I felt like my prayers weren’t being heard… now I feel like I have a loudspeaker that goes straight to Heaven. ”

And that’s why I’m so confident that when you use Hidden Prayers with The Exodus Effect, the power of your prayers will be incredibly amplified...

The Prayer Warrior Network


Prayer Warrior Network Logo

Having an emotionally challenging day?

Going through a dark period and need support?

Want the combined healing power of thousands of anointed prayer warriors?

Just submit your specific prayer, or the biggest challenge that you’re facing to our Prayer Warrior Network and you’ll instantly have thousands of anointed, God fearing men and women praying for you…

In Matthew 18:20 God says “for where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst”...

Well, just imagine having thousands of anointed brothers and sisters praying together with you…

Imagine what you could accomplish… and the abundance of healing and wealth you and your family WILL receive.

Again, our Prayer Warrior Network, is made up of folks all across the world. That means you’ll have someone praying for you 24/7 around the clock, even while you sleep.

I’m confident that these 4 powerful gifts will help you get the most of The Exodus Effect, improve your relationship with God, and experience healing on a truly Divine Level.

But the only thing I ask in return… Is that you SHARE these 4 gifts, and The Exodus Effect, with your loved ones and cherished friends.

That way, the sacred knowledge and powerful healing secrets will touch more people…

And potentially transform millions of lives.

All you need to do is invest a few pennies a day to secure your personal copy of The Exodus Effect… along with your $256 in gifts…

So how do you get started?

Simply click the button below…

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You’ll then be taken to a safe and 256-bit secure checkout page…

That uses the same security technology behind trusted websites like…

From there, you’ll enter in your order details…

And then you’ll get instant access to Exodus Effect, The Lazarus Effect, Divine Pet, Hidden Prayers, The Prayer Warrior Network...

And to a thriving community that’s passionate for Christ and the healing He has waiting for you - the moment you press the big button below and enter your information on the secure checkout page.

Plus, because The Exodus Effect and 4 free gifts are digital downloads, you can access them all right away… in less than 2 minutes from right now… On your tablet, smartphone, and computer…

So if you feel this is right for you, then make your move right now and click the big button below.

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Now I understand you have not personally experienced the incredible healing you get…

When you follow the simple steps outlined inside The Exodus Effect… Yet.

365 Day Guarantee Seal Which is why I want to go even further by taking on all of the risk myself… And protecting your investment for a full 365 days with my Sacred Healing Oath.

Which works like this:

All I ask I that you have a kernel of faith that Exodus Effect WILL work for you…

And get instant access to your proven healing system right now.

Start using the easy anointed oil recipe outlined in the program…

And see how great you feel…

If you’re anything like the thousands of folks before you, who swear by Exodus Effect…

Your comfort, flexibility, and mobility should improve dramatically…

So you can enjoy the activities you used to love doing…

Like playing with your grandkids, getting exercise…spending hours in the garden… or going on a romantic walk with your significant other without thinking twice about it.

Don’t be surprised when your discomfort becomes a forgotten memory.

However, if you change your mind about this investment for any reason at all…

Just call or email our U.S. based Healing Support Team… whenever you want…

And you’ll get 100% of your money back. No questions… No hassles…

Just an immediate refund of all your money.

And best of all?

You don’t have to return The Exodus Effect…

It is yours to keep. My gift to you for putting your FAITH first… And having FAITH that God WILL heal you.

Plus, the $256 in gifts: Lazarus Effect, Divine Pet, Hidden Prayers, and 24/7 access to The Prayer Warrior Network…

Are yours to keep as well…

But why are we being so generous?

Well we’ve seen firsthand just how effective The Exodus Effect can be…

And how it transforms lives…

We also understand that if someone requests their money back, it might mean that their financial situation has changed….

But we believe that everybody, regardless of their financial circumstances should get the chance to experience long lasting relief, heal themselves from virtually any health challenge, and nurture their relationship with God.

Plus, I must admit…

I also have a personal reason for protecting your order today…

You see, I’ve seen so many non-believers blown away by its effectiveness…

That they end up coming to Christ through their healing.

So yes… I look at The Exodus Effect as an extension of my work as a pastor…

A beacon of light for people to be saved through holy healing and pain relief.

That’s why I’m okay with letting you keep your copy of Exodus Effect…

Because if it means more folks get to experience heavenly healing for themselves…

And are able to quickly conquer their pain, so that they can get back to living a life full of freedom… the life that God wants them to live…

Then my life will have been worthwhile.

Again, our Sacred Healing Oath gives you a full 365 days to try out The Exodus Effect for yourself – without risking a single penny.

If that seems fair to you, then go ahead and secure instant access to The Exodus Effect right now…

By clicking the big button below.

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As this presentation comes to a close...

I feel in my heart that it’s my responsibility to let you know something important…

That you basically have two choices in front of you…

The first choice?

You could turn your back on everything I’ve shared with you inside this letter…

Turn away from the incredible healing wisdom shared in the verses of the Bible… turn away from God’s word…

And forget about how He reveals a lost secret that could heal almost any ailment, slow down aging, and bring you closer to His Glory than ever before…

You could also ignore the rock solid science and clinical studies that prove what the Bible has known for thousands of years - that living a pain free life is a choice that you can make right now.

But If you make the choice to ignore everything God has shown you and do nothing…

Logically, you can expect the pain, agony, and health problems not only to persist… but to get worse.

It may get so unbearable that you buckle under the pressure… and give into using dangerous, addictive opiate medication...

And if that happens, God forbid, it’s possible you could become one of the several thousand people that overdose and die from opiates -- every single day.

Do you really want that for yourself or your family?

I pray that you don’t…

Especially since there’s another choice you can make right now…

And that’s to take the proven path thousands of other Americans already have…

And get The Exodus Effect right now before your pain or health challenge gets any worse.

Now, If you’ve watched this far, it’s for a reason…

I believe God has put you here with me today…

And He wants you to choose a life where your pain isn’t in control… He wants you to choose a life where you’re in control…

So that you can continue to worship and praise Him with every fiber of your being… undisturbed by worldly suffering.

And I believe The Exodus Effect can help you live that life starting right now.

All you need to do to get started is click the big button below.

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